Thoughts of the day.
The forgotten, Vinyl, Prodigy, & stuff
Published on October 2, 2004 By Zamise In Entertainment
How does The Forgoton become #1 movie? It stunk so bad, plot holes galore, troubled continuity, basically a rejected X files episode. Only worth is as joke.

Can't wait to see RE2 still. I always said the first movie was great and nobody beleived me.

A movie called Vinyl is looking up, with some of my favorite and hot actresses included.

Also when the hell is the Red Dwarf movie going to come out? I've been living for this.

Prodigy finally came out with a new album I bought. Pretty good stuff, not an off beat, yet for some reason its just too perfect. I still recomend it, really worth its value which is hard to come by these days.

Cant get enough of that m&ms comercial. Wish I knew who remixed the more Industrial sounding one with female vocals "color my world"!!!!!
& Bender kicks metal ass!

on Dec 17, 2004
Freagan A, Logan's Run remake in the works so I read too!