Thoughts of the day.
9 out of 10 stars for the movie Session 9
Published on January 18, 2004 By Zamise In Movies & TV & Books
I cant stop thinking about this movie. Never heard of it till I watched. Turns out that this movie is very interesting. It supposedly is the first full featured independent movie made with high end digital cameras and gear or what not. It has a couple or more connections to the CSI televison series which is one of my favorite shows. Besides that, it is spooky, entertaining, diffrent & humorous. I compare this movie to Blair Witch mixed in with Mtvs Fear (another fav I wish wasnt done by Mtv) with some Molholland Drive. It starts out a bit boring, and actually through most of the movie you are like is anything actually going to happen to these guys. Its the suspence that makes it as good as it is. Not untill the end do you realize how important every part of this movie is to watch, and you must watch it again to understand how much you have been fooled or tricked into assuming things that are normally safe to assume with other movies. Its another movie the second time around, sort of like fight club. I don't think I still fully understand this movie, and I don't want to give too much away, so go see it and tell me your thoughts. It is diffrent and original, something you don't see very often these days. 9 out of 10 stars is hard for me to give, since I believe the average movie now days is worth about 2.5 stars. This movie will be a cult classic.
on Jan 18, 2004
I'm the type of person who if I've seen a movie once, why watch it again? I don't 'miss' things or forget them, either..
But I've watched Session 9 six times already out of sheer enjoyment.
It's creepy, suspenseful, a masterpiece to be sure.
The haunting background music (which I'm still trying to find for my own personal enjoyment) lends to the whole ensemble.
I however wouldn't compare this movie to those others, since they were tres crapola. LOL (Not to rain on your parade, Zamise..just personal viewpoint)