Thought I'd try my blog for this question see if it turns up any response because I'm haveing no luck searching for this my self on the internet. There has to be a way to create a web page that allows like an admin to upload files to a directory on the website and also have a field to edit in a description of that file for their users to see these files and the corisponding descriptions in a dynamically updated page. Would also be great if these pages could be password protected with mont...
Yahoo has pissed me off before on this with their web hosting services. I do not need to manage my domain that often, which was taken over by yahoo some time ago from another host, but anyway I forget where to go and the info to log in because of that. So I check all over yahoos site, there is no easy way to get support from them if the answer is not in their FAQs. The most frustrating moment is when I get an automated email telling me the same information I've already seen in their FAQs a...